

June 2023: Happy to be a new member of the ICES Working group on Zooplankton Ecology. Looking forward to future discussions and actions.

June 2023: The second paper of the FORCIS project is out. The paper “The FORCIS database: A global census of planktonic Foraminiferafrom ocean waters” published in Scientific Data,  provides a perspective of the distribution patterns of planktonic foraminifera in the global ocean on large spatial (regional to basin scale, and at the vertical scale), and temporal (seasonal to interdecadal) scales over the past century. This is my fifth publication with no supervisor.

June 2023: Joining the AZTI summer school "Innovativeand practical tools for monitoring and assessing multiple human pressuresaffecting biodiversity in marine systems” was a great opportunity to learn more about the actions of EU Horizon projects, meet and interact with experts from different institutions and universities.

May 2023: Excited to be a member of the Community of Practice for the EU Horizon MARCO-BOLO (MARine Coastal BiOdiversity Long-term Observations) project. 

May 2023: Contributing to the organization and actively joining UNESCO's Intergrated Ocean Carbon Research workshop as an EU Coordinator was a unique experience. I had the opportunity to interact with many experts on Ocean Carbon and discuss the state-of-the-art of different carbon topics. 


March 2023: Excited to join the kick off meeting of EU Horizon MARCO-BOLO (MARine Coastal BiOdiversity Long-term Observations) project as representative of the G7 FSOI Coordination Centre and provide a short presentation the G7 FSOI 2023 workplan for Marine Life.

February 2023: Our review article “Monitoring and modelling marine zooplankton in a changing climate” is published in Nature Communications. It was a unique experience and honour to work with all the co-authors. This is my forth publication with no supervisor.

December 2022: Excited to join the 2nd European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) Resource Forum Meeting as representative of the G7 FSOI Coordination Centre and provide a short presentation of the G7 FSOI 2023 workplan for Marine Life.

November 2022: The annual G7 FSOI working group meeting took place in Berlin, Germany. It was a great experience and my first meeting with my new role in science diplomacy and as an EU Coordinator for the G7 FSOI. You can find more details about the meeting here.

November 2022: Very happy to see the work of our undergraduate student Jonathan Falciani “Optimizing fisheries for blue carbon management: Why size matters” is published as a research article in the journal of Limnology and Oceanography. With the use of mizer, a trait-based fish model, we sampled 10,500 possible fishing strategies and found that fishery management strategies that preferentially conserve large species increase overall carbon stored in the fish community. We argue that incorporating rate processes like fecal pellet flux, vertical migration, and natural mortality are crucial for a more holistic carbon approach to fisheries management. Jonathan is an amazing student, driven by curiosity and passion. It was a honour to co-supervise him and work with him on this project. 

November 2022: It was a great experience to join the 2022 EuropaBON and Biodiversa+ workshop in Brusells and discuss with colleagues about actions needed for the future of the European biodiversity framework for terrastial and aquatic ecosystems.

October 2022: Joining the Copernicus Biodiversity inCoastal Ecosystems Workshop was a good opportunity to learn more about how biodiversity data and modelling projections are being used in policy development for biodiversity conservation in coastal regions.  

September 2022: Joining the 2nd workshop on the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive pelagic habitats was a great opportunity to get an overview on the MSFD D1C6 pelagic habitat assessment and monitoring across marine regions and discuss how we can promote the use of new data (other than in-situ) and identify good practices/methods that allow monitoring of the Pelagic Habitat and GES assessment. 

August 2022: Super excited for being a Steering Committee member of the 7th International Zooplankton Symposium, in 2024, in Hobart, Australia.  

August 2022: Very happy to see our paper “Modelling approaches for capturing plankton diversity (MODIV), their societalapplications and data needs” published as a perspective article in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science.  In the article we present 6 different modelling approaches for modelling plankton diversity, pros and cons, their societal applications and data needs. This is my third publication with no supervisor.


August 2022: Super-excited to join Mercator Ocean international as a Science Officer for the EU4OceanObs project and an EU Coordinator for the G7 Future of the Seas and Ocean Initiative (G7 FSOI). This position is a transition from research to science diplomacy and coordination. Still, I will have the opportunity to continue working on research projects with Mercator colleagues from the Operational Oceanography and Ditigal Twin of the Ocean departments and external collaborators.  

May 2022: The first paper of the FORCIS group “The Foraminiferal Response to Climate Stressors Project: Tracking the CommunityResponse of Planktonic Foraminifera to Historical Climate Change” is out. Check it out if you want learn more about the project aims and goals. This is my second publication with no supervisor.

February 2022: Joining the Blue-Cloud Hackathon was a great opportunity to learn more about the Blue-Cloud and have fun while working on our project with Mattia Greco, Esteban Acevedo-Trejos and Daniel Gray.

January 2022: The report of the 2020-2021 MBON plankton workshop series “Plankton Ecosystem Function, Biodiversity, and Forecasting—Research Requirements and Applications” is published as Meeting Highlights in the Limnology and Oceanography Bulleting journal.You can find the article here.  This is my first publication with no supervisor.


November 2021: Organizing the MBON plankton workshop series “Plankton Ecosystem Function, Biodiversity, and Forecasting—Research Requirements and Applications” was a unique experience. Many thanks to the amazing organizing committee, all speakers, chairs, co-chairs and participants for their help and contributions to the fruitful discussions. Special thanks to Prof. Anthony Richardson and Dr. Jason Everett for organizing the workshop for East Asia and Oceania. 

October 2021: The third paper of my PhD “Exploring the impact of climate change on the global distribution of non‐spinose planktonicforaminifera using a trait‐based ecosystem model” is published in Global Change Biology. In this study we developed the first 3D ecosystem trait-based model for non-spinose planktonic foraminifera to study the effects of climate change scenarios on their global distribution patterns and carbonate production.

September 2021: Super excited to receive the FILAMO fellowship for early careers. For the next 3 months, I will be in University of Bergen working with Prof and Vice Dean of Marine Research Øyvind Fiksen and the Theoretical Ecology Group on how to advance zooplankton realism in ecosystem trait-based models. Øyvind is an amazing scientist and mentor and I look forward to working with him.

May 2021: The second paper of my PhD "Investigating the benefits and costs of spines and diet on planktonic foraminifera distribution with a trait-based ecosystem model" is published in the journal of Marine Micropaleontology. In this study we investigated how spines and diet is linked with planktonic foraminifera’s distribution patterns using a trait-based ecosystem model.
February 2021: I took the initiative to organize an international reading group for the applications of the size-spectrum theory in aquatic ecosystems. This is a casual group, open to everyone with more than 120 scientists in the mailing list. You can find more details here:


December 2020: It was an honour to organize a plankton workshop titled: “2020 MBON-MODIV workshop report: "Plankton ecosystem function: biodiversity, forecasting, and prediction needs" with amazing colleagues from the US Marine Biodiversity Observation Network and the MOdelling Different components of marine plankton DIversity (MODIV)  group, funded by EuroMarine and the FILAMO project. You can find the workshop report here: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36415.59049

October 2020: I am beyond happy for receiving the Charles Downie Award from the Micropaleontological Society for my PhD article “A trait-based modelling approach to planktonic foraminifera ecology”. Many thanks to the foraminifera community for welcoming my research, to the Micropaleontological Society for the award and to my co-authors for their contributions and support. 



February 2020: I had a great time sharing my work on modelling foraminifera’s global distribution under different climate conditions at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in San Diego.

January 2020: Very excited for my new Postdoc position at Dr. Andrew Pershing’s Climate Change Ecology Lab, at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute! For the next 2.5 years, Andy and I will be using size-structured trait-based models to understand how temperature influences the ecology of plankton, fish and their interactions.

September 2019: Happy to be a new member of the MIZER community. I learnt so much about modelling fish populations during the “Training and advances in size spectrum modelling” workshop in Lysekil.

August 2019: My PhD journey has come to an end.  
Many thanks to my examiners Prof. Kate Hendry and Prof. Ken H. Andersen for their valuable comments and for making my viva such an amazing experience. 
Special thanks to my supervisors Dr. Fanny Monteiro, Prof. Daniela Schmidt and Prof. Andy Ridgwell for giving me the freedom and support to choose the research questions I wanted to explore, always reminding me to focus on the research which brings butterflies in my stomach. I truly enjoyed my time working with Fanny, Daniela and Andy and I hope we will have the opportunity to collaborate again.
I would also like to thank Dr. Ben Ward and Dr. Jamie Wilson, important scientific members of the PALEOGENiE project, for their support during my PhD.
     (From left to right: Dr. Jamie Wilson, Prof. Ken H Andersen, Dr. Fanny Monteiro)

August 2019: Excited to share my recent work on exploring foraminifera global biogeography with a 3-D trait-based ecosystem model at the 4th trait-based approaches to ocean life workshop. You can find my abstract here

June 2019: Happy to be a member of the FORCIS project, investigating how foraminifera response to climatic stress. More details on the FORCIS website.

April 2019: The first paper of my PhD "A trait-based modelling approach to planktonic foraminifera ecology" has been published in Biogeosciences. We developed the first trait-based model for planktonic foraminifera and expolored how diet, feeding behaviour and calcification traits and trade-offs are linked with distribution patterns of non-spinise planktonic foraminifera.